Mani Sharma, a keyboard player started his career with a song in Ram Gopal Varma's Drohi. According to RGV's blog Ramgopal Varma said that he gave a chance (infact forced) to Mani Sharma who was a keyboard player to Keeravani to compose a song when he could not get RD Burman and Keeravani. RGV also said that he always belevied in Mani Sharma that he would become a good music director.
Keeping aside RGV'd Drohi and Mani Sharma's debut, Mani Sharma is going to compose music for RGV's highly anticipated movie Raktha Charitra in which Vivek Obreoi and Surya are playing the lead roles. If you have not heard yet Mohan Babu is playing the role of NTR in this film.
Labels: tollywood talk